Hsinchu, Taiwan,
AUO Corporation ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today announces its second Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR Report) independently verified by DNV, a leading verification organization. At current, this report is the only one in the global TFT-LCD industry(1) in compliance with both GRI/G3 Level A+ as well as AA1000AS(2), the highest reporting standards in recognizing transparency and credibility. This report demonstrates that AUO remains committed to our corporate social responsibility. From product design, supply chain management, customer services, employee benefits and social concerns, we continue to seek opportunities to reduce the impacts to the economy, environment and society against the backdrop of an economic recession.
As an international leader in TFT-LCD manufacturing, AUO has always been committed to corporate social responsibilities. We officially activated the AUO Green Solutions (AGS) initiative in the beginning of 2008, a company-wide mission to practice green innovations, green procurement, green production, green logistics, green service, and green recycling that are all created and realized in an environmentally friendly manner.
Highlights in this year's report include:
Innovations on eco-panel features
AUO announced multiple innovations on green panels in 2008. For example, AUO's 46" “Eco Plus” Full HD TV panel: reduced by more than 30% in weight, thickness, and power-consumption than conventional panels, while increased package efficiency by 66%
The world first LEED green TFT-LCD Fab.
AUO's G8.5 Fab in Central Taiwan Science Park passed the gold-level assessment by the USGBC LEED(3) in March 2009. It is the world's first TFT-LCD Fab certified by the LEED. This G8.5 Fab can achieve 21% of total energy saving. As to water efficiency, the site is to reach 90% water recovery rate, saving 3 million tons of fresh tap water annually, enough to fill 1,430 standard swimming pools. In addition, 90% of construction waste has been reclaimed, fully conserving resources and mitigating environmental impact.
The performance of greenhouse gas reduction
AUO's total GHG emissions of 2008, compared with that of 2007, decreased 4.6% even when our capacity slightly increased 4%. This shows that the increase in AUO's GHG emissions is starting to slow down. Meanwhile, our efforts in the reduction of PFCs(4) emissions have paid off. The reduced PFCs emissions from 2003 through 2008 were amounted to 3.9 million tons of CO2 equivalent.
AUO's interaction with local communities
AUO demonstrated our sincerity to the residents of Sunshine & Forest Community by imposing a standard beyond the legal requirements. In order to resolve the odor problem once for all, AUO proactively replaced one of the original process raw materials. These residents acknowledge our efforts in improving air pollutions and unpleasant odors. This is a great example of ours to live in harmony with neighboring communities.
AUO's engagement with our partners across the value chain
AUO took the lead to establish a platform for sharing of green knowledge across the value chain so that we can learn from each other the experience and results in environmental protection. A total of about 400 participants attended the two workshops in 2008. AUO's partners across the value chain shared their green experience and came up with more creative ideas.
AUO's initiatives on social responsibility
On March, 2006, the AUO Suzhou site established an “AUO China Tour” foundation, aiming to construct a hope school in Anhui, and built up “AUO Da Ming Hope Elementary School “in 2007. Aside from reconstruction of the old building, for the past two years, AUO colleagues also donated cash to 407 school children. In addition, the AUO Xiamen site supported the “Bai Yun Elementary School” of Zhangzhou City by renovating the school building and reconstructing groundwork. Our Xiamen site also provides the junior high school and elementary students with Student Aid Fund. Furthermore, AUO Taiwan sites supported local agriculture by group purchasing season produce. It is on one hand to echo the global environmental concept of promoting low food mileages to reduce GHG emissions from transportation, and on the other hand to resume the confidence of hardworking farmers in their daily income.
AUO continuously enhance our performances in CSR initiatives with constant efforts and self-monitoring. For more information, please refer to our CSR Report 2008 on letthepald.com.
(1)Based on available market research information as of August 20, 2009; benchmarking refers to the global TFT-LCD manufacturers of top 5 market share.
(2)Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) issues the most recognized and most commonly-used sustainability reporting guidelines by organizations for disclosure about their sustainability performance, and also provides stakeholders a universally-applicable, comparable framework in which to understand disclosed information. GRI G3 stands for the latest version of Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued in 2006. Level A is the highest application level under GRI G3 and “+” means the report is externally verified. AccountAbility 1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) is a process standard for assessing the credibility and quality of an organisation’s social, economic and environmental reporting. Stakeholder engagement is central to the AA1000AS. Reporting organizations base on AA1000AS to demonstrate they are open, engaging and responsive to stakeholder perceptions and expectations.
(3)LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), developed by US Green Building Council, is an internationally recognized green building certification system.
(4)PFCs (Perfluorocompounds) are used in the TFT-LCD process and are defined by the Kyoto Protocol a greenhouse gas.